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네티즌의 질문에 대한 페더러의 몇 가지 답변들

Roger, How do you control yourself in a match even if you are losing?  

No problem. There are many points I win and lose so I don’t get too excited about a lost point. I look at it over a longer period than just a few points.  

조그만데 신경쓰면 경기를 망칠 수 있다.(어떤 이는 이것을 조그만데 꽂힌다고 표현하더군요.)
좀 더 크게 보면(길게) 순간적인 에러에 덜 신경쓰인다.


Quoted: "He hits many times with lots of wrist action, and contact point far in front, a unique technique in the tour". Was this taught or just your personal hitting style?  

It’s my personal hitting style; this is how my game evolved. There is no secret behind it. I always had a fast wrist, which helps.  


Are you able to play with your left hand?

Not very well.  

코치들 얘기론 웬만한 동호인하고 해도 이긴다고 하더군요.


How many racquets do you use for a competition and in the entire season?  

Approx. 10 racquets per competition. And approx. 60 racquets per season

그럼 일년에 240자루를 사용하는 것인데, 한 자루에 20만원이라고 해도 5000만원이네요.


What’s your best advice for hitting a deep "heavy ball" that professionals make look easy.

Hit it high enough over the net and work on your stance.  


How do you keep motivated after a heavy loss, for example a match you really worked hard for and wanted to win but didn’t. After a down experience like that how do you bounce back to train and be motivated for the next tournament in a short time?  

I bear in mind that the next opportunity will come soon. Sometimes the media are pretty tough – but then again it is their right to be critical. I either ignore it or then I can deal with it one way or another and focus on the next tournament.


Roger, whenever I have seen you play in person, you always seem to watch the replay scoreboard on the changeovers (especially at the USOPEN). I also noticed that most players do not do this. They stare straight forward or some look at their coach. You seem to glance around. Are you different from other players for a reason? Or is it just more natural for you?

I am usually very relaxed on the court. So sometimes I need to focus in order to stay concentrated. As a kid I quite often found myself watching what was going on on the surrounding courts!


Which do you prefer, serve & volleying or baselining in your heart?  

Baselining is more natural to me. Serve and volley takes more effort. But as with everything – the more you do it the more natural it becomes.  


Do you have any tips on how to get a good serve?

Well, best is to get a good Coach to teach you a good technique.  


When you are training, how much time do you actually spend on a tennis court with a racket in your hands, in relation to jogging, fitness studio, etc.?  

It really depends. At tournaments I am basically only on the tennis court. In December 2003, when I didn’t play any matches, for example, one week was filled with pure fitness training, one week 50/50 and one just tennis.  

fitness를 꽤 중요시 생각하고 있네요.
아래에 보면, 전담 코치가 따로 있다고 합니다.


What are you thinking before and during a point? Some people say don’t think of anything because thinking interferes with with your strokes. I just want to know what a great champion like yourself has to say about this.  

At first I take a look at where I want to place my serve. Then I focus on the key situations for the next point: ‚That is the way I want to build it up, that isn’t’. When I serve and volley, I need to make up all this right from the very first momnt. After the point I try to forget what the point was about as soon as possible and focus on the next ball.  

서브시에 서브할 장소를 한번 보고, 리턴되는 볼에 대한 다음 상황을 미리 예측...


Do you have advice for other players about how to control emotions on the court?

I guess everyone needs to find his own way of controlling his emotions. I found my way, even if it took me quite some time. The most important thing is to try to feel well on the court – no matter if you are in rage or not.  

감정컨트롤의 기본은 유쾌한 기분을 유지하는 것이 비결


As more and more players are starting to realize the importance of good eyework, what do you feel its importance is? Do you think about watching the ball and keeping your head perfectly still after each shot, or does it come naturally. Did somebody teach it to you?  

I guess it was a mixture of coaching, luck and talent.  


When the majority of the crowd isn’t supporting you, how hard is to play?

It is an experience and something you learn to live with.  

25살이라고 하기에는 굉장히 철학적인..
역시나 많은 어려운 경험때문인 듯


When playing an opponent is there any particular arrangement of shots you use to win points (i.e. forehand crosscourt short in the box and then move in to finish off the volley)? If so what shot patterns are they?  

Well I know which shots I hit better than others, so I try to  use those.

페더러도 상대보다 잘하는 샷 위주로 하는군요.
2007년 호주오픈에서 포핸드 맞짱은 피하고, 다른 전략으로 곤잘레스를 대한 것도 같은 맥락인 듯


As a teenager and even now as the world number 1 - when you have had bad days, what was the best advice or words of encouragement your mother, dad or girlfriend gave you?  

You always learn from the bad days, you need to look forward and focus on the future matches.  

나쁜 경험을 미래에 촛점을 맞추면 나쁜 경험이라는 생각이 들지 않고 오히려 도움이 되는 경험이라는..


What do you do before you play a match? (30 minutes before the match)?  

Tape my feet, stretch and get everything ready for the match, drinks, racquets, etc.  


Can you tell me what the tricks are to hitting a one handed backhand?

Footwork and go back with your racquet early enough.  


How do you return Andy Roddick’s serves so successfully?  

This is my secret which no body in this world needs to know. Magicians don’t share their tricks. You know I’m just joking, but it stays my secret.  


I saw in a picture you use string savers in a special pattern. What are the benefits of this?

Maybe a little more spin and the string doesn’t break as quick.  


Which one was THE match so far in your career?  

The most special match thus far was the one against Sampras in 2001 in Wimbledon, because of many reasons, which you all know about.  

역시나 샘프라스와의 경험(승리)가 그에게 자신감을 준 듯
페더러도 쇠퇴기시 바로 은퇴하지 않고 1~2년이라도 이런 밑거름이 되어 줄 수 있을까?


When you are awaiting your opponent’s serve, you swirl around your racquet very quickly. Is this a personal habit or is there a technical explanation behind?

Personal habit, I have always done since a junior.  


I was just wondering what you do during off court training.

I work with Pierre Paganini - my fitness trainer - as much as I can.  


I noticed that you watch the ball onto the strings longer than any player I have ever seen. You look at the point of contact long after the ball has gone. Were you taught this?  

No, it’s a habit of mine. I’ve often been laughed at because of that.  


How do you handle the immense pressure in tough matches?  

It is something you have to learn. The further you get in your career – starting as a junior – the better you learn how to cope with the situation.  

역시 고난을 이기는 능력은 고난에 대한 캐리어가 쌓여야 가능..

최고의 천재 페더러라도..

[테니스는 어떻게 완성 되는가?]

 Comment '3'
  • como 05.21 10:06
    페더러는 테니스 뿐 아니라 정신적으로도 성숙된 선수인것 같습니다. 이번 함부르그의 우승에서 자신감을 회복하여 프렌치 오픈에서도 멋진 경기를 보여주면 좋겠습니다. 글 잘 읽었습니다.
  • 아침바람 05.21 19:39
    정신적으로 성숙한 천재의 면모가 보이는 좋은 글 잘 보았습니다.
    관련 기사들을 접할수록 페더러가 좋아지네요.
  • 애거시짝퉁 05.21 22:10
    테니스라는 것이 페더러에게뿐 아니라 동호인들도 인생에 대해서 약간은 배우게 해 주는 무언가가 있는 것 같습니다 ^^**

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