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토마스 호그스타드

첨부 '2'

오늘 리나가 8강전에서 비너스를 이기고 코트에서  가진 인터뷰에서 언급한 외국인 코치--중국 테니스협회 코치로 초빙되어 활동중- 중 한사람인 호그스타드(오른쪽 사진)에 대해 좀 알아봤습니다.

스웨덴출신이고 1963년생 46세입니다.

atp투어 선수출신으로 싱글 타이틀이 1개, 승보다 패가 훨씬 많았던 경력이 있네요. 89승 152패.

현역때는 주목받지 못햇지만 중국테니스를 세계에 우뚝서게 만드는데 한 몫했네요.

Has career victories over Mats Wilander ('82 Cincinnati), Andres Gomez
('82 Basle) and Stefan Edberg ('82 Stockholm). His lone Grand Prix singles
title came at Ferrara, Italy in 1983, defeating Butch Walts in the final.
He received instruction and encouragement from his father, Lennart. That
was a significant factor in his development as his birthplace, Malmo, had but
one indoor tennis facility with the outdoor courts playable only four months.
Earned a career-high $55,886 in 1983 and finished No. 63 on the ATP
computer rankings, a career year-end best. He also broke into the top 50
that year.
Earned $53,429 and ranked No. 133 on the ATP computer, his best finish
since 1986 (at No. 124).


[테니스는 어떻게 완성 되는가?]
