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[번역] 뉴튼으로부터의 레슨

▲ Beginner(초보)

1. Perform a split-step

- Newton's first law states that objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and objects at rest tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by an outside force. So if you're flat-footed on court - an object at rest - it takes more effort and time to get moving and into position to return the shot. If, on the other hand, you perform a split-step (a small hop where you land on the balls of both feet) as your opponent makes contact with the ball, you're an object in motion. This means you've already overcome your inertia and therefore can move to the ball faster. That's why you always see good players do a split-step right before their opponents make contact with the ball..뉴턴의 1법칙은 움직이는 물체는 계속 움직일려고 하고, 정지한 물체는 정지해 있을려고 한다.(관성의 법칙)..recovery step도중 스플릿스텝을 해야, 그 움직이는 관성을 깰 수 있어 어떤 방향으로든 움직일 수 있다.

2. Strengthen your leg muscles

- Stopping and changing direction-overcoming the inertia of your body in motion - takes a tremendous amount of leg strength, and the more powerful your legs are, the morepowerful your legs are, the more agile you'll be. Plus, you're less likely to get injured if your leg muscles. Squats and lunges are particularly good exercises to make you explosive around the court ..멈추고 방향을 바꿀려면 강한 다리힘이 필요하다. 다리힘이 강할수록 멈추고 방향 바꾸는 것을 잘 할 수 있다.  Squats와 lunges가 도움이 될 것이다.

▲ Intermediate(중급)

1. Get the right racquet for your game

- As your game becomes more developed, make sure your equipment matches your style of play. Newton's second law states that force equals mass times acceleration. In order words, you'll hit the ball harder (with more force) if you increase either the weight or acceleration of your racquet, or both. If you can swing one racuet at the same speed as a lighter one, the force will increase. This is a positive with ground strokes but a negative on volleys because heftierframes are less mobile. Racquets are also balanced differently, so keep in mind that some frames will be more head heavy than others. Additionally, we all know that playing tennis is not just about hitting the ball hard. In fact, accuracy is an even more important element in a successful game. The key is to have a racquet that's right for yur style, so seek help from an expert. If you have a chance, playtest a frame before purchasing it. And remember, a more expensive racquet is not always better...뉴톤의 제 2법칙은 라켓의 질량이 클수록, 속도가 빠를 수록 공은 더 빠르고 강하다는 것이다. 그래서 자신의 능력하에서는 되도록 무거운 라켓이 좋을 것이다. 그러나 테니스에서 파워보다 더 중요하 것은 컨틀롤이다. 그래서 자신의 스타일에 맞는 라켓을 고르는 것이 중요하다.

2. Improve your swing pattern

- A technically sound swing pattern will allow you to generate racquet-head speed, and swinging from low to high on your ground strokes will help you generate topspin. This, in turn, helps keep your shots in even though you're accelerating the racquet. Depending on the situation, you can flatten out your strokes, such as on down-the-line passing shots, or add more topspin to hit the little dipper (a short crosscourt shot). Whatever shot you hit, the key is to accelerate the racquet through contact and not to hold up on your swing by shortening your follow-through. A coach can help you understand the best swing pattern for each situation...모든 상황에서 같은 스윙패턴을 사용하는 것은 아니다. 다운드라인에서는 플랫성 볼을 날리는 경향이 있고, 크로스로는 탑스핀을 보내는 경향이 있다. 각 상황에 맞는, 몇 가지 패턴의 스윙을 가지고 있어야 한다.

▲ Advanced(고급)

1. Use your legs when serving

- Although on the surface it looks as if the arm does all the work while you're serving, advanced players know how to use their entire bodies, including their legs, in their serves. Newton's third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you push against the ground pushes back. This drives your racquet shoulder up and helps place the racquet in the proper position behind your back. At the same time, it stretches your muscles and stores energy like a pulled rubber band. In essence, pushing off the ground allows you to generate a more powerful serve. There are two major benefits to using your legs this way. One, you call upon the strongest muscle groups, your leg and upper-body muscles - instead of just your arm - to generate force. Second, you're less likely to get injured because the stresses are being shared by these large muscle groups. Estimate how much you use your legs by noting how much your knees bend during the serve. Research has shown that most top players have an average knee bend of approzimately 70 degrees...뉴턴의 제 3법칙은 작용과 반작용의 법칙인데,, 서브에서 무릎을 사용해서 지면을 누르면 그만큼 파워를 더 낼 수 있다.

무릎을 구부리면 2가지 장점이 생긴다. 하나는 큰 근육(강한 근육)을 사용할 수 있어서, 팔에 의한 스윙이 적어진다. 하나는 많은 큰 근육들을 고루 사용하게 되므로 부상의 위험이 적어진다.

2. Use both arms for a one-handed backhand

- We all know that using both arms is critical for a successful two-handed backhand. But did you know that the nondominant arm is also very important for a one-handed backhand? The next time you watch Justine Henin-Hardenne or Roger Federer hit one of their beautiful one-handers, pay attention to what their opposite arms do. Typically, the nondominant arm mimics what the doinant arm does but in the opposite motion not only helps them generate more power, it also allows them to stay balanced ..백핸드 스트로크에서 앞으로 나가는 만큼, 왼손을 뒤로 하면 파워가 더 생길 뿐 아니라 밸런스에도 도움이 된다.

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