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The Direction Reaction


빨리 움직이기 위해서는 3가지가 필요하다.
시각, 스플릿스텝, direction reaction..

direction reacion에서,,
상대가 친 공이 라켓면을 떠난지 얼마되지 않는 순간에 공의 방향은 알 수는 있다. 하지만 공이 어디에 바운드될 지 알려면 궤도를 좀 더 봐야 한다.

그래서 그런지 우리는 공이 어디에 바운드될 것인지를 알기 위해 좀 더 기다렸다가 움직일려고 한다.(마음이 편하죠)

이것때문에 공쪽으로 이동이 약간 늦게 되는 것이다.
(그만큼 기다리니깐.)

방향을 읽었다면 일단 그 방향으로 움직인다.
움직이면서도 공의 궤도를 계속 봐야 한다.
그럼 바운드 될 위치를 확신할 수 있을 것이다.

움직이면서 미세조정을 하는 것이다.

이렇게 하면 빨리 움직였기때문에,
그만큼 빨리 자리를 잡을 수 있는 장점이 있다.

선수에게 필요한 tip 인 듯
( I'll see you at Wimbledon!)


There are three techniques that can increase your speed in tennis. The Vision Straddle, the Split Step, and the Direction Reaction. I would like to tackle the Direction Reaction one more time. The Direction Reaction is exactly what it sounds like. You react according to the direction of the ball off of your opponents racket. Remember the ball has a direction before it has a destination. Your mind should be thinking about the direction first and the destination second. Unfortunately, most players think of the destination first. This causes a slight hesitation before they move to the ball. This is the reason why when I'm working on this drill and I tell players to go after the ball they look over at me and say, why should I, that ball was going out. I quickly point out, if you know the ball is going out you waited way to long to react to the ball.
Let's see if I can illustrate this better. Will you agree when the ball is a foot or so off of your opponents strings a certain set of conditions exist that are different than when the ball is 5 or 10 feet off of your opponents strings? I hope your answer is yes.

When the ball is a foot or so off your opponents strings no one knows for sure if the ball is going to be in or out. When the ball is 5 or 10 feet off the strings players can begin to tell if a ball is going in or not. When it gets 15 to 20 feet off the strings your chances of figuring whether a ball is in or out increases dramatically. The conditions change the farther the ball is off your opponents strings. When you tell me you knew that ball was going out, you've waited 15 or 20 feet off your opponents strings before you began reacting to the ball!

The art of the Direction Reaction is to react when the ball is a foot or so off your opponents strings and begin moving immediately. No one knows, including the Pros, exactly where the ball is going. You react first, then analyze if the ball is going in or out. The next time you're practicing give it a try! Move according to the direction of the ball off your opponents strings. Do not wait until you know for sure if the ball is in or out. I'll see you at Wimbledon!

[테니스는 어떻게 완성 되는가?]
