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테니스와 여성해방

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어제가 테니스 사상 초유의 남여 성대결에서 여성이 승리한  30주년이 되는 날 이었다고 합니다.이 사건이 당시 여성에게 많은변화를 가져다준 계기가 되었다는 espn.com의 기사가 있어 원문 그대로 게시합니다.
Thirty years later, wherever Billie Jean King goes, people still ask about it. King vs. Riggs. The Battle of the Sexes.

"When I walk out the door, if I'm going to be in the public, I know I'm probably going to hear it, a Riggs-King story," King said recently.

"They say a lot of things. They get angry with me because they lost money. They get happy with me because they won money. They tell me how it changed their life."

The match that was played on Sept. 20, 1973, and it crystallized on the court the battle between the sexes being played out across the country. At the time, King likes to remind, a woman couldn't even get a credit card in her own name without her husband's signature. It was assumed that you were a Mrs. or a Miss -- the term Ms. had yet to be coined -- and it was accepted that a woman would take her husband's last name -- no hyphen.

A lot of women said it helped their self-esteem," King said. "For the first time they actually asked for what they wanted and needed, for the first time in their life they may have asked for a raise that they thought about for 10 years and never had the courage at their job to ask for, and they did ask. Most of them say they actually got the raise, things like that."

The legislation that would promote equality for women in academics and sports -- Title IX -- had been passed only the year before. King's biggest fear was that a loss by her in this match would give its foes the ammunition they needed to repeal the law.

When Margaret Court lost to Riggs on Mother's Day that year, King said she knew Court was finished as soon as she curtsied to him. King never forgot facing Riggs would be a fight. She prepared by practicing with other men and came into the match aware of the pressure.

"I think I felt a humongous amount of responsibility that I had to win that match to help further women, women's tennis, women's sports, to help women and to help men understand that we should be working together," King said.

But she also knew that that the crowd of 30,472 and TV audience of nearly 50 million were expecting entertainment. She agreed to promoters' request to arrive on litter carried by garishly clad men. She presented Riggs, who readily acknowledged being a male chauvinist pig, with a piglet.

In the end, she came away with a straight sets victory 6-4, 6-3, 6-3.

"Most of the men in their late 30s or 40s, probably 40s now, will come up to me and tell me how it changed their life," King said. "I call these men the first generation of men of the Women's Movement. They come up to me and tell me how it changed their life for all time. Now they have daughters, and they're bringing up their daughters very differently than they would have otherwise. They said they really insist that their daughters have equal opportunities with their sons."

Recently when honored as an inductee at the U.S. Open's Court of Champions, King bowed her head as the late Bobby Riggs was mentioned. King said she talked to Riggs before he died in 1995 and he told her he was pleased at what they did together. They made a difference.

"I know it helped tennis," King said. "Men's and women's tennis got TV contracts the next year. In '74 we had an explosion of participation because of it. We had our biggest growth in '70s ... we got to be about the eighth most popular sport in the '70s. It was a pretty exciting time, I must say."

In addition to helping the grown of tennis, King said it also helped women's sports grow. Equality is a cause she's dedicated her life to, and she's concerned that it still hasn't been achieved.

"Title IX is 30 years old and we're starting to go backwards on that," King said. "We still make 133 million dollars less in scholarship money every year we receive that. It's phenomenal how some of the public thinks the men are really getting hurt by all these different things.

"The men are definitely having to share the sandbox with the girls. But that's life, that's the way it goes. Believe me, if the girls had 100 percent of the sandbox, everybody would be screaming why the boys don't get to participate. So, we need to be equally vocal when its our gender, which has always been discounted."

Parity is something King kept in mind when she founded the World Team Tennis league where points are earned equally by the players no matter what their sex.

"When a little girl or little boy comes out to watch that they see the cooperative spirit and make sure they see a level playing field," King said. "I want to instill that, so they think it's normal for us to be working together."

She hopes more people will join the cause.

"We need men as allies and women as allies," King said. "We need to be together in trying to help women's sports and trying to help women. Men need to be helping; women need to be helping themselves."

[테니스는 어떻게 완성 되는가?]

 Comment '7'
  • 全 炫 仲 09.21 09:57
    사진 왼쪽의 빌리진 킹 여사에 대한 상세자료는 윗 메뉴 [Tennis Dictionary] 22번 항목 테니스의 영웅들 코너 11번 게시물에 상세하게 나와있습니다.테니스가 여성의 인권향상에도 심대한 영향을 끼쳤다는 사실에 마음이 뿌듯합니다.
  • 바카스정신 09.21 12:11
    그런 일이 있었군요...
    테니스와 여성해방이라
    좀 생소한데..
    어찌 되었든 관계가 있네요..ㅎㅎ
    내용은 잘 모르겠으나 ...ㅎㅎㅎ~~
  • 최혜랑 09.21 18:05
    테니스는 근육으로 하는게 아니라 머리로 하는 바둑과 같은 류의 두뇌스포츠라는 듣기좋은 말이 있다.
    하지만 막상 라켓 들고 코트에 발을 들여놓은 적이 있는 사람이라면 테니스는 발빠르고 완력이 센 남자들을 위해 만들어진 운동이라는데 고개를 끄덕일 것이다.
    김중배인가 하는 분의 테니스 중계 해설에서는 신장, 몸무게, 나이(프로입문시기를 비교해서 선후배관계라는 지극히 한국적 발상으로 두 선수를 묶는데) 같은 생물학적인 사실을 선수의 실력과 가능성, 특히 구질을 평가하는 중요한 근거로 삼고 있어 이를 들을 때마다 짜증이 난다. TV에서 하는 테니스 중계가 혼복일 때 말고는 남녀 따로 경기가 진행되니 망정이지 성대결 같은 이벤트가 있다면 이 사람에게서 남성우월주의적인 논평을 듣고 또 듣게 될 것이 뻔하다.
    테니스는 체급경기가 아닌데도.....잘치는 외국선수들 키는 대체로 크지만 몸집은 호리호리하던데.
    어쩌면 테니스가 체급경기가 아닌 진짜 이유가 급수를 나누는 기준을 체중으로 해야할지 신장으로 해야할지 아니면 둘다 혼용해야할지를 놓고 테니스역사 초기에 집행부가 우유부단해서 결정을 못내렸기 때문은 아닐런지.
    동호인 여자들은 레슨을 많이 받아 안정적인 정타에다 팔로 하는 발리에 강하고 라켓 기술이 발달해 왠만한 남자공을 다 받아넘길 수 있다고 하지만 초보인 남성이 구력십년의 여성에게 단식으로 맞장 떠서 6대 0으로 패하는 일은 남자체면 구겼다고 수치로 받아들여지니....
    라켓 파는 아저씨가 했던 말이라 진위는 모르겠으나 옛날에는 세계랭킹 여자1위가 남자100위 선수를 이길 수 있었지만 라켓기술이 좋아졌다는 요즘 오히려 어림없다니 아이러니같다.
  • 가우디오 09.21 19:37
    젊은 호랑이보다 늙은 여우가 더 무섭습니다.
  • 최혜랑 09.21 21:37
    영화관에 들어설 때 본영화 시작 전에 하는 예고편은 몇편이라도 봐주겠는데 대한뉴스 보는 것은 카셋트 말미에 붙어있었던 건전가요만큼이나 짜증났다.
    테니스의 테자도 모르던 시절이지만 30주년이라. 극장 한참 다니던 중2여서인지 세기의 성대결이라 불린 이 경기에서 킹 여사가 이겼다는 대한뉴스 보도가 지금도 생생하다.
    Riggs가 의사였던 것 같고, 평생 "여자한테 진 놈"이라는 불명예를 안고 살았다지.
    사실 그는 남자선수로도 별볼일 없었던 허풍선이여서 진정한 성대결의 적임자는 아니었다고 하던데.
  • 全 炫 仲 09.22 09:33
    최혜랑님..상세한 설명 감사합니다.대한뉴스에 소개될 정도였으면 그 당시엔 세계적으로 상당한 이슈가 되었던 사건이었던것 만큼은 틀림없는것 같네요...ㅎㅎ..

    그 의사선수도 대단한것 같습니다. 패했을 경우에 받을 스포트라이트의 부담을 안고 경기를 했을텐데...
  • 테사랑 09.22 10:42
    최혜랑님의 말씀에 깊은 공감을 표합니다.
    <초보인 남성이 구력십년의 여성에게 단식으로 맞장 떠서
    6대 0으로 패하는 일은 남자체면 구겼다고 수치로 받아들여지니.... >
    저역시 비슷한 경험이 있어서 고개를 여러번 끄덕였습니다.
    남성 우월주의 사상은 테니스에서도 예외는 아니라는것을 깨닫게 됩니다.

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